MenonAktifkan DeepFreeze Ver 5 kebawah ver.English

Public warnet place as is usually protected by automatic-recovery programs such as Deep Freeze. This is certainly very helpful to the Administrator Garnet, because it does not need to have the headache problem Virus, Trojan, KeyLog, Spyware and so forth. Every time you restart your PC at all the data will be lost and return to the initial setting.

However, Deep Freeze does not seem to escape attack from the Hacker. Especially Deep Freeze version 5 and under. In the Internet is spreading Tools UnDeep called Freeze that can be disabling Deep Freeze although we do not know the password. When this article was written is indeed very topical ) but believe it or not there are still many who are not aware of Garnet weakness of the Deep Freeze 5 and below. UnDeepFreeze 1.6

Finally, the fraudulent mania (it is not feasible called Hacker) I like, and also many other people outside, it can easily disable Deep Freeze, and even spread the virus made its own (remember to create a virus, the more convenience).

For it to the providers of public services such as the cafe or Laboratory campus, please more aware of things like .If not you believe , you can download directly Tools UnDeep Freeze 1.6.

Even for Deep Freeze 6 have also successfully , although with a little more troublesome. In the next post will be my criticism.

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